Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Day I Decided to Get Sober

 Today is the day I want you to remember. 

Today is the day you finally decided to get, and stay sober. 

I know you're scared. Which is ridiculous because what are you scared of?

Not having fun? 

Is that really worth EVERYTHING that comes with the morning after? 

The shame?

The guilt?

The hangover?

The embarrassment? 

The anxiety over having done something stupid?

Is a few hours excitement really worth all the days of repercussions?

What are you really afraid of? What do you really want out of getting drunk?

Losing yourself?

Having someone have to take care of you?

Letting go? Of what?

You are currently on day TWO of a hangover from drinking too much. You are still so shaky you can barely function. Yesterday you laid on the couch all day because you were so sick. BEAR NOTICED last night that you were drunk. He's going to remember that. 

Lets be clear, you drank yourself into oblivion while Barry was gone. There was no one at home to take care of the boys. You did this at Billie's house too. Talked all weekend of the boys' safety and then drank yourself stupid. The SHAME you have felt the last 36 hours, was it worth it?

And lets take this a step further because now we're on a roll. 

Your diet. You're going to change that too. You are exhausted and cranky and you feel awful in general. I remember you talking to mom about even if something yummy made you feel gross you would still eat it. Then you did the paleo diet for 75 hard and didn't think too much of it.

Now you're two months off paleo and you feel awful. Like, really awful. And you're starting to realize just how much junk food affects you. In a bad way. 

It's time to get your life together. You felt SO GOOD on paleo. And drinking and a bad diet make you feel SO BAD. If the idea of forever is what scares you then lets give it a timeline.

Ten years. I want you to give me ten years of no drinking. Lets let the boys grow up with a sober, happy mom. I have no doubt that by the time ten years pass you won't want to pick up drinking again. You don't want cigarettes anymore, right? Its going to be the same with alcohol. But if you need an out, an end, lets make it ten years. You can have a drink with Bear when he turns 21. That's your end date. 

Let this be the day of your turning point. Let this be the day you get healthy and enjoy your life. 

Any time you need to remind yourself why, you come back to this post. 

Monday, June 13, 2022

Galveston Beach Trip!

 Already knocked one off the summer bucket list!

On Saturday we took a quick trip to Galveston before Barry left for Georgia. I can't quite take the boys to the beach by myself yet, so we decided that since Barry is going to be gone for most of the summer we would go ahead and take them to the beach while we had the chance. Galveston State Park is still getting renovated, so we went to Stewart Beach. It is so worth the little fee to be able to rinse off before getting back in your car!

We actually got a family photo! Thank goodness for this mom who came up to us while we were trying to take a selfie photo and offered to take a photo of us. There are so few photos of us all together, I'm so so thankful for this wonderful woman!

The boys absolutely love the beach! It is definitely a busy day for me and Barry but it is so worth it!

We only spent about two hours at the beach, and about two hours driving but it was worth getting to spend that special time with Barry.


Summer Bucket List - 2022

Wanna hear a funny story? This is the post I was going to post last year, and never did. 😂 My favorite is the second paragraph where I say I'll stick to a bucket list and post it. Bless my little 2021 heart. So I'm just gonna post it for this year and call it good. 


Ok. I know I do this every year. But this is the year damnit. 

This is the year I make a bucket list and stick to it AND actually do posts! Because I want to preserve these memories. 

So here goes. We will start with the goals and school stuff and then move on to the actual bucket list. 


Make a schedule and stick to it. Operation Summer Sanity is a go!

Continue schoolwork for the boys. General ideas like working on handwriting, cutting, reading 100 books in conjunction with 1000 minutes of reading for Bear and book reports (and writing in complete sentences), math for the twins along with vocab and speech. This will be a post on its own. We have a lot to accomplish, and I feel like I finally have the knowledge to move forward!

Date Nights with the boys one on one: mini golf, go to the movies, etc.

Stick with the idea of weekly themes  I don’t need to go all out, just use the weekly themes to come up with fun ideas for things to do

Try to do at least two instagramable things a week  not because I need the likes, but because I love looking back on my Instagram at all the fun things we do! Also, the boys’ family needs to get to know them better. We stay pretty isolated and that’s our choice but I’d love for the family to have some kind of bond with the boys  

Now for the actual bucket list!!! ( I so wish there was a way I could do multiple columns for this, its sooooooooo long!)

Outside Ideas:
Watch Fireworks
Draw with Chalk
Bubble Guns or rent a bubble machine
Go get sno-cones
Watch a sunrise
Watch a sunset
Catch Fireflies (GA idea)
Go on a picnic
Pick Fresh Fruit (Froberg Farm)
Read outside
Water Balloon Fight
Ride Bikes
Lay in a hammock
Wash the Car
Fly a kite
Play Frisbee
Plant a garden
Picture Scavenger Hunt
Water gun fight
Slip and Slide
Play Catch
Rent a bouncy house
Sidewalk Chalk & Hopscotch
Ice block with toys
Giant Bubbles
Sponge Ball War
Melt Ice Cubes
Walk the Plank/Ninja Warrior Course
Bury a Time Capsule
Fourth of July Family Field Day
Shaving Cream on Trampoline
Buy an Above Ground Pool and do all the swimming!

Inside Ideas:
Morning Invitationals a la Days with Grey
Make Play Doh plate things
Finger paint
Color Big Pages
Read Lots of Books
Singe Lots of Songs
Make a Paper Bag Puppet
Make Popsicles
Make a Fort
Make Ice Cream
Make Jam
Make Lemonade
Make cheerio necklaces
Play with Lego Blocks
Marshmallow Shooters
Make Ice Cream Sandwiches
Make Sno Cones
Make Paper Wind Sock
Make Jello Jigglers
Make suckers
Home made Root Beer
Do a science project
Banana Splits
Nerf Sword Fights
Obstacle Course
Paint Rocks
All the baking

San Antonio with Mom
Peach Creek!
Visit 10 different city parks
Moody Gardens
-Whole Family
-Bear Bear
-Palm Beach
Observation Tower
Children’s Museum
-Dolphin Tour
-Build a sandcastle
-Feed the seagulls
-Ride the Ferry
-Visit the Board Walk
Surfside Beach
Baseball Game/Sporting Event
Visit 5 Splash Pads
George Ranch
Frobergs Farm
Alvin Animal Safari
Visit Farmer’s Markets
Visit a lake
Go to the Library
Free tour of the Ship Channel
Visit Dad at Work
Visit the police horses
Feed the ducks at a pond
Amusement Park
Visit a historical site
Tour a fire station
Tour a factory (Maybe Blue Bell?)
Pirates Bay Area Waterpark
Discovery Green Concert
Discovery Green Movie Night
Drive In Movie
Kemah Boardwalk
Go to a Festival
Demolition Derby
Go to a Carnival
San Jacinto State Park

Mom and Dad Date:
Summer nights fire pits
Go bowling
Ropes Date at Moody Gardens
Mini Golf
River Trip
Tour historic home

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